EASA published new version of basic regulation for 600 kg UL aircraft

EASA has recently published the latest version of the EASA Basic Regulation which was voted upon by the European Union Parliament in June, 2018. A part of this new regulation now allows for 600 kg MTOW Ultralight (UL) aircraft under the control of the CAA’s of the member states.

With the publication of the Regulation, (EU) 2018/1139 will enter into use on 11, September 2018. The EASA member states are now allowed to ‘opt-out’ or choose to not require the more restrictive EASA regulations for aircraft with a maximum takeoff mass up to 600 kilograms.

Specifically, every member state must apply for an opt-out and can then have national rules for aircraft up to 600 kg. Several countries, like the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy and many others already declared that they will use this option.

Although the final rules for certification, service, pilot licences etc. are not yet available, they are anticipated soon. In Germany it is expected that rules will be much like the existing rules for Ultralight aircraft.

The staff at Flight Design general aviation is already working on the compliance for our existing fleet. We expect that the major part of the existing fleet can comply with the new 600 kg rules with some compliance verification, supplemental changes and an upgrade to a 600 kg rescue system. More to come soon!

If you want to read more about the EASA announcement, click here.

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